Student Massage Clinics


The Alberta Institute of Massage invitesyou to come and experience the diverse benefits of massage in our supervised Student Massage Clinics. The treatments are performed by our students at very reasonable rates and are an integral portion of their training in proficiency. The massages are delivered in a classroom setting that has been designed to provide a relaxing, soothing and learning atmosphere for both the student practitioner and the client.

The Alberta Institute of Massage is community centered, and active involvement in public outreach opportunities.

Massage therapy has been a vital element of the health systems of most cultures throughout the centuries and is possibly the oldest form of therapeutic practice in history, mentioned in Chinese literature as early as 3000 B.C. The profile of massage therapy has diversified and advanced through the years, we are now seeing an unprecedented convergence between complementary and traditional healthcare. Today, massage is highly respected and prominently recognized as a disciplined profession, benefiting recipients with very tangible results.


Date Added 2017-02-28
Product Id 10367324