Katz Azz Smokehouse Maple Bacon


Oh the smell. This flavour doesn't seem to require much of a description at all! Here is the setting ... After an amazing sleep with fresh air and quiet surroundings, you are awakened by the most incredible smell coming from the kitchen. This is the unmistakable sound and aroma of sizzling bacon and maple smoked breakfast sausages. Hot pancakes with thick pads of butter and a river of Canadian maple syrup. Get the picture? Now rip open your bag of Smokehouse Maple Bacon Jerky, experience the event just described. This flavour is absolutely amazing and is one of our most popular for obvious reasons (mostly because YOU CANNOT STOP REACHING FOR MORE)

You Can Purchase it by the individual bag or buy the case 

150g Bags x 8 bags in a case
Individual Price $ 12.00
Case Price $ 90.00


Date Added 2023-11-14
Product Id 10548412