Manganese Green Sand Filters


Manganese Green Sand Filters

Iron, manganese and sulfur are oxidized into solids and trapped in the filter bed where they get flushed to the drain. Your automatic Iron Filter is simple and reliable, the unit consists of a bed of filter media in a fiberglass tank and a specially designed feeder containing potassium permanganate for the regeneration of the filter. Raw water enters you home through the main supply line, then enters your iron filter and passes down through the filter media.

Any iron, manganese, or hydrogen sulfide present in your water supply is exposed to oxygen stored in the media. The oxygen causes thge precipitation of the minerals and they are trapped in the media allowing only clean water to flow back to your household water line. The filter media is periodically cleaned or regenerated automatically, backwashing the trapped minerals to the drain and replacing the oxygen.


Date Added 2018-09-02
Product Id 10439236