Well Shock


Well Shock

Well Shock chlorination is a relatively inexpensive and straightforward procedure used to control bacteria in water wells. Many types of bacteria can contaminate wells, but the most common are iron-related (IRB) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Although not a cause of health problems in humans, these nuisance bacteria may coat the inside of the well casing, water piping and pumping equipment, creating problems such as: reduced well yield; restricted water flow in distribution lines; staining of plumbing fixtures and laundry; plugging of water treatment equipment; "rotten egg” odour; and increased corrosion of the metal parts of the well and distribution system.

Wells can also be contaminated with harmful bacteria such as fecal coliforms or E. coli. Shock chlorination is the most effective method to eliminate them. HypoChlor is available for the consumer to buy and apply to their well; or you can have us provide a professional treatment of HypoChlor to shock your well.



Date Added 2018-09-03
Product Id 10439239