C J Plumbing & Heating

4 years ago

This past weekend we called CJ Plumbing & Heating because our hot water tank was leaking. This was about 4 pm on Saturday. The technician who came drained the water from the tank and said we would be without ANY water until Monday or Tuesday when they could come back and give a quote and fix the issue. Now my hubby had shut the water off to the entire house so he could drain the tank. Being a plumber if there was no shut off valve to the hot water tank why would he not install one and atleast give us cold water so we could have our bathrooms etc. Nope he just left said someone will be back Monday.

Monday morning not a word from the company as to if they were still planning on coming or time etc. So hubby called the company and the very nice lady said her guy was told to contact us first thing this morning. We explained that he did not and was told by her she would call us back. She did and said he was just gassing up his vehicle and would be right over.

So the New technician arrives and walks into the house, says I remember this place I have been here before.. (Another Story). Anyhow hubby takes the tech and his helper to the furnace room. They start discussing the issue at hand and hubby is trying to explain that we did not have much room left on the wall or side of the house for an exhaust vent but we could take down the built in vac system and they could use that spot to exhaust a new hot water system.

The technician turns around and says I understand you are frustrated because you have had no hot water etc but if you do not like what I am saying I can leave. Well, that was the wrong thing to say because he was told ok fine, please leave and get out of my house.

This technician started to get more verbal and abusive with his language. He was told again by my hubby to leave and the guy starts again saying fine Don't ever call our business again because we won't be back. He was told that is fine get out of our house now. Then the guys says, I am going but I am not the one having to deal with cold showers. He was again told to get out of our home. The technician called my hubby a prick , put on his shoes and started out the door. Then starts with my hubby when he was once again told to get off our property asking him if he wanted to go toe to toe. I said leave and get off our property.

The technician finally left gets in his vehicle and turns a u turn in the intersection, drives back past our house and flips the finger as he does.

Thank GOD he was gone and if this guy worked for me he would be fired on the spot for treating a customer like that because his actions lost the company a few thousand dollars this morning.

Now back to the first story... We had our furnace stop working and called CJ Plumbing & Heating to come check it out and fix it. We the technician shows up and I went to explain what was going on. The technician looks at me and says, I am the technician here please let me do my job. He proceeds to say its the thermostat upstairs on the hallway wall. I tried to explain to this man we just had it replace and everything was working fine. He takes it apart traces wiring back to the furnace, ends up saying its not the thermostat. I about said well DUH, I tried to explain but you would not listen.

When this same technician arrives this morning, I thought OMG here we go again. He is very UNprofessional, arrogant and I do not know if he is trying to show off to his person with him or not, But this guy is losing his company money.

We called another company after this happened this morning. I will say what an about face for service. This other company was very professional, polite, listened to what we had to say and they made suggestions based on his knowledge and expertise in the business. Needless to say, the second company sold us exactly what we needed and was even able to pick up a second job of replacing our furnace in the process.

So CJ Plumbing not only lost the cost of a tankless water heater system but also a new furnace because of this one technician. Like I said above Thousands of dollars were lost because this man has a bad attitude.