Essential Energy Healing in Red Deer
On October 04 at 2:37 PM
GODDESS SISTERHOOD CIRCLE ~ A Journey within 9 MONTHS in HONORING YOUR SHADOW I've been listening. ?In our gatherings, our circles and community. ? There has been a lot of emotion, loss, grieving, anger, sadness, depression, anxiety and transition. ?Are YOU feeling it? Who is this Goddess Sisterhood for? Women age 18-75. Did you know that by age 18 you already have a shadow archetype that needs examination and unpacking. And you’re never done, so at any age, this class will be a helpful reminder to go back, keep unearthing, because your archaeology is unending. ALL lightworkers and healers need this class. You really can’t help other people navigate their shadow – and believe me, if you’re a spiritual teacher of any kind that is exactly what you are doing, conscious or not – unless you’ve unpacked all of your own shadow suitcases. It’s important to explore the different stages and why women need to come together generationally regardless if you're Maiden, Mother or Crone. Join us here:

Essential Energy Healing in Red Deer
On January 31 at 7:16 AM
Essential Energy Healing updated their profile page in the Business Directory

Essential Energy Healing in Red Deer
On January 30 at 7:00 PM

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