housewarmings in Red Deer
On April 11 at 9:30 AM
What is not to love about these gorgeous wallets of ours? Beautifully embroidered, bright & colorful, handmade, and ethically purchased through a direct trade partnership with highly skilled Thai craftsmen. Great for everyday use, for travel, or festivals!

housewarmings in Red Deer
On April 09 at 9:00 AM
Nothing says good healthy eating like clean, fresh ingredients-hand crushed ginger, herbs and spices! There's something satisfying about creating it yourself and that is exactly what you do when using one of our mortar & pestle sets. Available in 5 different sizes, from extra small to extra large!

housewarmings in Red Deer
On April 08 at 11:00 AM
Pyramids are ancient, global, and powerful. They help amplify your intentions, raise your consciousness, and promote balance. Pyramids increase the energy flow of the space they are in, and can even be used to cleanse and revitalize objects nearby. Certainly, a useful tool for anyone!

housewarmings in Red Deer
On April 07 at 10:00 AM
Made in Nepal, these beautiful prayer flags are colourful panels of rectangular cloth using the primary colours which symbolize: blue = sky/space (Om) white = air/wind (Ma) red = fire (Ni) green = water (Padme) yellow = earth (Hum) Commonly hung on a diagonal line from high to low between two objects in a high location outdoors. They promote peace, compassion, strength and wisdom and are believed to spread good will and compassion to all as they blow in the wind. Prayer flags traditionally feature a lung ta (powerful horse) bearing three flaming jewells which symbolize the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. This is surrounded by versions of mantras and images or names of four powerful animals. Prayer flags may also have images such as Buddha or Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra. As the images fade the prayers are thought to become a permanent part of the universe and new flags are mounted alongside the old which symbolizes a welcoming of life's changes. The best time to put new prayer flags is in the morning of a sunny windy day.

housewarmings in Red Deer
On March 31 at 10:00 AM
New tapestry order just arrived! Exciting new black & white designs and double wide ones!!!

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