About Us

Why choose us? We offer wellness care for your back and neck pain through Chiropractic, massage therapy, exercise, supplements and laser. Simply stated, because it works! First Dr. Jones and Dr. Blocksom release the muscles, ligaments and scar tissue surrounding the area of complaint. Second, he assesses and treats any misalignments causing problems in the affected area. Thirdly, he provides rehabilitation and stretches that are needed to resolve the problem. Through extensive training Dr. Jones and Dr. Blocksom have developed “state of the art” chiropractic techniques that focus on how muscles and scar tissue affect the alignment and function of the spine. When a joint misaligns there is always a resulting muscle spasm that causes the joint to lock out of position causing immobility. Immobility of a joint causes inflammation and irritation of the nerve, which most feel as pain. Chronic inflammation and irritation directly lead to your body forming scar tissue and major decreases in a persons range of motion. Without chiropractic help, this cycle will continue causing chronic tightness and re-occurring sharp muscle spasms. We believe in the team approach using other professionals such as massage therapists, physiotherapists, Doctor of Naturopath, dieticians and personal trainers to enhance your quality of life. Our purpose is to empower patients towards optimal health. Our mission is to aid every individual and family in our community so they can obtain the highest quality of life Contact Us 403-347-0707