

Estate planning is a continual process; it cannot be done once and simply filed away. It often involves more than creating and completing a Will or changing the terms of a Will. Considerations would involve how you hold or own your assets – whether personally, or through a trust or holding company. Careful estate planning can minimize taxes arising upon death and maximize the amount that passes to the beneficiaries. We can assist you with planning for changing circumstances and structure your asset holdings to ensure your estate plan is appropriate to meet your goals and objectives.

We can assist with:

  • Creation of your Will or review of your existing Will
  • Minimizing probate fees
  • Establishing one or more family trusts
  • Life insurance
  • Succession planning for your business
  • Setting up an “alter ego” or “joint partner” trust
  • Freezing your estate
  • Filing a final return for the deceased
  • Filing an estate trust tax return
  • Filing for a clearance certificate


Date Added 2016-06-07
Product Id 10330732