
Higher-resolution visual inspections than ground-based inspections

Greatly reduce man-hours and costs by automating inspections

Safely assess the condition and orientation of all components of cell towers

  • Inspections are done from a safe distance
  • Towers remain functional during an inspection
  • Increase efficiency due to data accuracy and reliability, live streaming and zoom/thermal/4k capabilities

Typically, cell tower inspections are performed by a person climbing to tower structures. This can lead to potential risks and injuries, which will lead to insurance cost rising. With Bluelink’s equipment and technology we can achieve the following

  • Get close to each structure and avoid interference
  • Zoom into each component for a clear assessment
  • Real-time data feedback

We have partnered with cell tower inspection team in the US to optimize proper compliance.


Date Added 2020-08-18
Product Id 10504181