About Us

If you are a business owner, manager or entrepreneur, you won't want to miss the Success 4 Business Expo - Thursday October 12th 2017, for an incredible day of inspiration, connections and tools for your business.



  • END OF DAY KEYNOTE SPEAKER BARBARA MAY, Stumbling Blocks Team Building Seminars –  "A Crash Course in Overcoming Challenges, Obstacles and Hurdles at Work”
  • FREE NETWORKING ADMISSION - Pre-registered Attendees will gain free access to the Resource Floor, Startup Entrepreneur Award, Panel of Leaders Forum and Wrap Up Party. 
  • EXPERT PRESENTERS Over 10 seminars to choose from - to educate and inspire you and your business venture.
  • PRIVATE MENTORING LOUNGE -  S4B gives full day registrants an opportunity to sign up for a 15-minute, private Mentoring Session with a mentor of your choice. Offered on a first-come-first-serve basis at no additional charge - Same day signup - show up early for this!
  • PANEL OF LEADERS FORUM -  ALL registrants have the opportunity to participate in a noon-hour Q&A session with our Panel of Leaders - Leaders who have proven themselves by making their companies a huge success from the ground up. 
  • B2B SIT DOWNS -  Exhibitors and Attendees alike have the ability to escape from interruptions in private “B2B Sitdown” corner tables to sit down and get away, or set up meetings.
  • GRAND PRIZE & EXHIBITOR DRAWS Attendees can enter for draws at each individual booth, as well as the Grand Prize Business Essentials Package, worth thousands of $$ worth of services and products for their small business.
  • WRAP UP PARTY Once seminars are finished (approx. 3:45), we start the much anticipated Wrap Up Party, complete with appetizers and a cash bar to relax and network. We kick it off with The Start-Up Entrepreneur Award.
  • START-UP ENTREPRENEUR AWARD - Do you have a new and innovative business, that you've started after October 2015? Apply for the Start-Up Entrepreneur Award and you could have the opportunity to win $1000 + Coaching + Graphic Design for your business!
  • NEW S4B APP! - Connect & chat with other participants, post photos, enter contests, and win prizes with this user friendly and instrumental app – all while staying up to date on the schedule and speaker bios. 



Call 403-348-0120 or go to www.Success4BusinessExpo.ca  to register