Toad & Turtle

Craig Wright
10 years ago

Toad 'n' Turtle in Red Deer is falling fast!!!!!!! After many good experiences at the Red Deer location we have experienced an epic fail. Service sucked, the waitress seemed more interested in visiting. We walked in shortly after 1:00 There were four tables in total occupied. Three waitresses on.... sat for close to twenty minutes before anyone even approached us. All the waitresses had made numerous passes through the dining area looking at us but never approaching. Finally someone approached and ordered on tap pints (not Guinness as we understand the stand time required) and thought they were coming from the Calgary location. Ordered a turkey havarti sandwich, I could not find the cheese and the turkey tasted like it had been in a refrigerator uncovered long enough to be stale. Part way through attempting to eat this poorly prepared sandwich ordered a second pint..... waitress waited till I finished my first before even going to enter the order......waited another fifteen minutes before it arrived, At this point only two other tables in the pub are occupied. After this visit it is likely we will never frequent ever again. There are far better places in the same area to enjoy a meal at. If anyone would like further comments, please feel free to contact me.