As the seasons change, so does the store. If you haven't checked out our new location yet, it will be changing daily as we transition from Winter to Spring.
New season = New stock, new accessories, new equipment, and lots of new things to see. . . . . #skituneup #biketuneup #newlocation #reddeer #shoplocal #timerlandsreddeer #shoplocalreddeer #lovelocalrd #wipeoutreddeer #wipeoutskiandbike
🤑 We still have some great Spring Sales happening in store!🌻
It's a great time to save on skis and get take in the Spring Skiing action.
Select HEAD and Armada skis have been market down including:
Armada Men's ARV 116 JJ HEAD Kore 117 . . . . #armadaskis #HEADskis #springskisale #centralalbertabikeshop #shoplocalreddeer #wipeoutreddeer #wipeoutskiandbike
What better way to spend the weekend than outdoors?
We still have many accessories in store to get out and enjoy the weather while the snow it on the ground.
Whether you're heading west or enjoying the local weather, check out our outdoor equipment and gear to keep the whole family warm, dry and ready to explore. . . . #getoutdoors #reddeeractivity #shopreddeer #springtime #centralalbertabikeshop #shoplocalreddeer #wipeoutreddeer #wipeoutskiandbike