Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Progressive topics further to a 1000-hour equivalency program: Arthrology, pathologies, dermatomes, gait analysis, advanced assessment, advanced hydrotherapy, advanced treatment of conditions, advanced trigger point, business/communications, nerve pathways, joint mobilizations, advanced myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, sports massage-level II, medications and massage Introduction of complementary modalities; craniosacral, manual lymphatic drainage, nutrition.
Cadaver Lab Session, Involvement in out practicums to network in the community, invest in the community and refine skills. True Colors (a model of personality identification)
Regular classroom hours for the full-time program are Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Clinical practicum hours are scheduled Fridays, evenings and weekends on a rotational basis. Practicum schedules are posted after the first month of class.