The Soul Center in Red Deer
On March 20 at 9:23 AM
Animal Spirit Guide Meditation Date: March 22 Time: 6:00-7:00pm Location: 103, 4919-49 Street. Lower Level of Imperial Block Building Find us on Google Maps Cost: $20 Host: Jennifer Dawson founder of PAWSitive Connections, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner, Telepathic Animal Communicator, Spiritual Seeker, Educator, and Animal Advocate How to register: Book online Min #3 Max #8 Class Details: Join me in a sacred circle to journey into the invisible realm of animal spirit guides. This is a magical place that holds many teachings and divine wisdom for you. Anyone can access their animal guides, they are waiting for you! Animal spirit guides can be represented by symbols or can simply be those animals that you have always felt a connection to throughout your life. Animal spirit guides are grouped by their habitats as they were on earth: Land, Bird, Water, Reptile and Insect. There are also four types of animal guides: Messenger, Journey, Life and Shadow. Each group and type hold different meanings. Knowing your animal spirit guide can give you insight into who you are, they can help you in all situations in your life, they are here to protect, educate, heal and inspire you along your life path journey. Having an animal guide by your side means you are never alone; your guide will teach lessons and help you achieve the life you desire. Whether you already know your animal guide and want to reconnect, or you want to discover and meet your animal guide, or just want to feel deeply connected to nature and the Animal Kingdom, this is a profoundly relaxing guided visualization which is enjoyable for everyone. Bring water, something to lay on, a cushion and a blanket if you desire, the center has some but quantity is limited. Prepared to be set an amazing journey to meet an Animal Spirit Guide!

The Soul Center in Red Deer
On March 20 at 9:23 AM
Wolf Interspecies Communication Meditation Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 Time: 6 to 7 pm Location: 103, 4919-49 Street. Lower Level of Imperial Block Building Find us on Google Maps What to bring: A pillow to sit on, a notebook and water. Cost: $20 Host: Joy Smith - Owner of Joy's Healing Touch. Professional Animal Communicator, Reiki Master and Animal Spirit Guides Coach. How to register: Book online Min # 2 Max # 10 Class Details: We will start this meditation with smudging and grounding. I will then teach you techniques to communicate telepathically with the wolves. During this meditation, you merge with the group consciousness of the Wolf Soul Group. Once connected, you will receive the wolves' communications, wisdom and messages that they have for you. I am dedicated to teaching animal communication skills to animal lovers and am passionate about connecting people to their Animal Spirit Guides.

The Soul Center in Red Deer
On March 20 at 9:23 AM
Date: March 20 Time: 6-7pm Cost $20 Located at The Soul Center 4919 49 street, lower level Facilitated by Michelle from Elements Energy Class details The Solar Plexus Chakra is located between the navel and the base of the sternum and is associated with our Personal Power and Will. Symbolically, it is represented by the element of Fire. It is from this Chakra that we connect with our innate masculine energy, which resides in both men and women. Our masculine energy is our active / yang energy. the potency of this energy is heavily influenced by our relationship with power. Many of us give our power and control away to others. This eventually leads to low self-esteem, and a loss of drive, will, and spontaneity. In the dance of power, we begin with spinal twists to help activate the energy in the Solar Plexus. We the explore this Chakra further through dancing the element of fire, which is symbolic of transformation. Be open to experiencing fire with all of your senses - hear it, see it, smell it, feel it, taste it. You may meet a fire animal, a fire guide, or a fire god with a message. This is a transformational journey giving you the opportunity to burn off old perceptions, beliefs, and energies. In the final part of the dance, we invoke our inner Hero Warrior, and allow him to emerge through the dance. This energy is powerful, strong, purposeful. This dance will begin to activate inner experiences – it is almost like entering into a waking dream. Some of you may see images in your mind’s eye while you are dancing, or recall memories or gain insights. You may experience feelings, emotions or physical sensations. It’s an organic unfoldment of what’s inside this chakra. If this chakra is imbalanced you will get indicators. You may find the music doesn’t resonate for you, dance stilted, distracted. Practicing CHAKRADANCE® can help tune and balance your whole body/mind/spirit system using spontaneous dance, guided imagery and music that resonates deeply with each in turn of the seven major chakras. In a CHAKRADANCE® class participants are dance with their eyes covered, to remove the EGO and to give us the opportunity to really look within, instead of focusing on what is going on around us. Some who have experienced it claim it has transformed their lives; others simply that they enjoyed it hugely. Why not try it for yourself?

The Soul Center in Red Deer
On March 07 at 12:48 PM
Date: March 13 Time: 6-7pm Location: 103, 4919-49 Street. Lower Level of Imperial Block Building Find us on Google Maps Cost:: $20 Host: Bruce Cevraini How to register: Book online Min #8 Max # 30 Class Details: A Full Moon is the Sun opposite the Moon which brings to our attention opposing forces or polarities. The lunar aspects of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a Full Moon so Inner tension and external pressures can lead to personal conflict and drama that drain your energy. We are all energy and with the use of breathing techniques, a gong, Tibetan bowls and other instruments I can facilitate a profound cleansing, clearing, transformation of your energetic self. My gift to you is clearing of all in the aura, that no longer serves you. Please bring a mat, cushion, and a blanket.

The Soul Center in Red Deer
On March 07 at 12:48 PM
Animal Reiki Level 1 & 2 Dates: March 11 & 12 - you must attend both days to successfully complete the training March 11: 10:00am - 5:00pm March 12: 10:00am - 4:00pm Location: 103, 4919-49 Street. Lower Level of Imperial Block Building - Find us on Google Maps Cost: $250.00 - This is an Animal Reiki Level I & II Certification Course with an Animal Reiki Attunement. A portion of your tuition will be going to Alley Cats Rescue for supplying us with cats on the second day for our hands on practice sessions! Please bring donations for the rescue if you are called to do so. **NOTE: A non-refundable deposit of $100.00 is required for this workshop with remaining payment due on the day of class. Instructor: PAWSitive Connections - Jennifer Dawson: Reiki Master Teacher of 9 years; Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner and Telepathic Animal Communicator; Animal Advocate & Spiritual Seeker. How to register: Book online Min #4 Max #8 Class Details: Designed for students who have at minimum their Reiki Level I OR higher, and are interested to receive an in depth and practical foundation in applying Reiki with animals. Through theory, lessons, assignments and 'hands on' practice, you will be able to successfully learn and gain the experience you need to practice Reiki with any species of animal, in any situation from a grounded space and with confidence! Within 3 months of course completion, you will be required to complete 2 fun and creative assignments, and 10 practicum sessions of applying Reiki with Animals that are documented with the provided log forms. You will then receive your Certification in Animal Reiki Level I & II and will be eligible to take the advanced class Animal Reiki Level III which will cover distance healing; Telepathic Animal Communication and Animal Crystal Healing. Alley Cats Rescue will be providing us with cats for our hands on practice during this workshop. Please ensure that you like cats and are not allergic! PREREQUISITES: • Reiki Level I or higher of any lineage • Must love animals • Be open to the process • Be excited to learn the steps • Prepared assignment on why you have chosen to study Animal Reiki, using correct grammer and 400-500 words (this is to be handed in on Day 1). BRING: • Notebook • Pens • Highlighters • Water • Snacks and Lunch COURSE OUTLINE: • Introductions, goal and overview • Why Animal Reiki is so wonderful • Approach and animal Reiki techniques • Things to consider before treatment • Communicating with humans • Staying positive • The healing ripple effect • Affirmations and mantras • Animal Reiki Symbols • Chakra systems of animals and anatomy • The treatment space • Length of Treatment • Introducing yourself • Setting your intentions • Grounding • Energetic Protection • How to tell if the animal doesn’t want Reiki treatment • Signs of Acceptance and healing reactions • Intuition; allowing the animal to lead • Ending a treatment / After treatment • Treatment programs; waiver forms, documentation • Practitioner excellence and code of ethics Other topics: • Volunteering at shelters and sanctuaries • Reiki and dying animals • Reiki and wildlife • Other modalities such as meditation, sound healing, chanting. Join us for this exciting opportunity to learn and experience the connection with the animals you know and love in the sacred space of Reiki!

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